The Dirty Deeds Of Silicon Valley

Volume Two


A detailed look at the people who run political bribery schemes in big tech



By Westin Parker And The Wiki Team




Draft 1.1Sneak Peek - Stay Tuned For Future Revisions








Welcome to Volume Two!

As you recall from Volume One, when people think about electoral bribery and political corruption, they probably can’t imagine anything more than a man passing a manila envelope of cash to another man under a table at a funky diner.

In fact, modern bribery involves every other form of hidden payola except the envelope-under-the-table. The tricks of corruption have evolved. This book is dedicated to exposing those tactics, which are destroying America. Every citizen suffers when their elected and appointed public officials sell the government like it was a garage sale.

That is going to change. I swear to you, based on new open-source forensics software and millions of voters using the internet: “Deeds done in the dark will always come to light”

I knew Mayor’s of San Francisco and their families, U.S. Senators and their families, Senior White House executives and their families and the people that bribed them. Most of the tech oligarchs and politicians who spend billions of dollars controlling the media to create a facade of kindly altruism around themselves are murdering, lying, sick, thieving sociopaths. Their dirty deeds don’t come-dirt- cheap. Their dirty deeds involve trillions of dollars of dirty money taken from taxpayers pockets! We now have a whole global team of contributors helping expose the facts about these crooks.

Should federal law enforcement bosses at the West Coast SEC, FTC, FBI, DOJ, and other offices, be arrested for refusing to arrest crooks Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, etc.? Thousands of reports of crimes against these tech mobsters have been filed yet they get “protection” instead of “prosecution”!

The lawyers at the “corporate cover-up” crooked law firms of Perkins Coie, Mofo, Covington & Burling, and Wilson Sonsini certainly should be arrested for making the law take a right-turn straight up Satan’s anus.

The dirty tricks operatives Steve Westly, Steve Spinner, David Plouffe, et al, certainly deserve some federal prison pick-up-the-soap time.

If you doubt or deny any of these facts, please meet us at 450 Golden Gate Ave, on the 13th Floor in the investigator’s conference room to present any facts you may have. On a live global web broadcast at that location, we accept any challenge to the veracity of these claims. If you can supply credible evidence that any assertion in here is either 1.) not true or 2.) intentioned parody that is not parody, then we will remove the assertion.

In intimate detail, here is more about how the crooks operate:



















News and Congressional report sources are used in this report, those sections are copyrighted per each original author. Fair Use, Public WIKI rights, Public Domain, U.S. First Amendment Rights, Freedom of the Press, SLAPP, EU Press rights, UN Press Rights, and associated rights, are claimed and enforced. Some contributors did not want to be named in this report.

This book is cooperatively, interactively, collaboratively, authored by the individuals who witnessed these crimes, the reporters who documented these crimes, the public who suffered from these crimes and the investigators who investigators these crimes. A special thanks to the tipsters and whistle-blowers inside the White House, The FBI, The Department of Energy and City Hall’s who made this all possible.

The best punishment for these bastards is to make their companies and assets lose billions of dollars in stock value by using news media, CIA and forensic tactics. The main weapon that is being used is: THE TRUTH! It is the one thing they fear most!

Please re-post these volumes on torrent sites, blogs, and your website to help all members of the public get involved in the interdiction of the crooks mentioned herein.





If you visit a little government website located at, you can see who is getting sued. You can see the divorce records of the Silicon Valley oligarchs, too.

What you will see from a tour of Pacer is that the Silicon Valley tech companies have stolen most of the technology that they make their billions from. The took it from smaller inventors and then ran attacks on those inventors when they reported it.

On Pacer you will see that the heads of almost every Silicon Valley tech company and venture capital firm were divorced in horrific divorce cases involving hookers, sex trafficking, sex slaves, wife beating, sex cults, drugs, extortion and other lovely things. Their own social records prove that Silicon Valley’s inhabitants are the BIGGEST SCUMBAGS ON EARTH. You will shudder when you read about the famous VC with an “anal sex slave” and the famous tech CEO who kicked his girlfriend over 100 times and the Facebook VR boss who was arrested hunting for children to have sex with.

You will see that Steve Jobs and Elon Musk did not invent anything. They stole their ideas from others.

When you try to sue a Silicon Valley tech start-up you find that there are only a handful of law firms in the U.S.A. that are qualified and staffed to be able to undertake such a lawsuit against any member of The Silicon Valley Cartel.

You then discover that EVERY SINGLE one of the those law firms has already been hired by The Silicon Valley Cartel in order to “conflict you out” from getting adequate legal protection. If you try to go it alone, you can file a federal lawsuit for a few hundred bucks...but...

You will immediately get it blocked by The Silicon Valley Cartel. They will have one of those law firms (that should have been working for you) file millions of dollars of paperwork that you can never afford to respond to and that you can never understand.

Even though the basic premise of American Democracy is that you have an equal right to the justice system: YOU DON’T HAVE ANY RIGHTS if you are fighting a member of The Silicon Valley Cartel.

You can’t get a lawyer. You can’t get a fair hearing. They can harm you for speaking out and they won’t get in any trouble for doing so. The Constitution does not count in Silicon Valley and the U.S. Department of Justice won’t get you your justice from the government because Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg bought part of the Government. The Silicon Valley Cartel spends tens of millions of dollars per year to influence the U.S. Patent Office to subtlety change it’s laws in order to protect Google and remove all rights from small inventors. Google even lobbied to put it’s own lawyer, Michelle Lee, in charge of the U.S. Patent Office and, because the Obama White House was Google’s bitch

See: THE ANDROID ADMINISTRATION from The Intercept  The Android Administration: Google’s remarkably close relationship with the Obama White House re:

“When President Obama announced his support last week for a Federal Communications Commission plan to open the market for cable set-top boxes — a big win for consumers, but also for Google — the cable and telecommunications giants who used to have a near-stranglehold on tech policy were furious,” David Dayen reports for The Intercept. “AT&T chief lobbyist Jim Cicconi lashed out at what he called White House intervention on behalf of ‘the Google proposal.'”

“He’s hardly the first to suggest that the Obama administration has become too close to the Silicon Valley juggernaut,” Dayen reports. “Over the past seven years, Google has created a remarkable partnership with the Obama White House, providing expertise, services, advice, and personnel for vital government projects.”

“Precisely how much influence this buys Google isn’t always clear. But consider that over in the European Union, Google is now facing two major antitrust charges for abusing its dominance in mobile operating systems and search. By contrast, in the U.S., a strong case to sanction Google was quashed by a presidentially appointed commission,” Dayen reports. ” Google representatives attended White House meetings more than once a week, on average, from the beginning of Obama’s presidency through October 2015. Nearly 250 people have shuttled from government service to Google employment or vice versa over the course of his administration… Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, was an enthusiastic supporter of both of Obama’s presidential campaigns and has been a major Democratic donor.”

“Between January 2009 and October 2015, Google staffers gathered at the White House on 427 separate occasions. All told, 182 White House employees and 169 Google employees attended the meetings, with participation from almost every domestic policy and national security player in the West Wing,” Dayen reports. “The frequency of the meetings has increased practically every year, from 32 in 2009 to 97 in 2014. In the first 10 months of 2015, which is as far as the study goes, there were 85 Google meetings.”

Much more in the full article – recommendedhere.

Google averages one White House meeting per week during Obama administration – March 25, 2015
U.S. FTC report details how Google skewed search results in its own favor – March 20, 2015
Google’s antitrust settlement with U.S. FTC reshapes patent disputes – January 5, 2013
The FTC’s missed opportunity on Google – January 4, 2013
Obama to reward Google’s Schmidt with Cabinet post? – December 5, 2012
Consumer Watchdog calls for probe of Google’s inappropriate relationship with Obama administration – January 25, 2011

You could not swing a cat, at the Obama White House, without hitting a Google insider. Obama did what Eric Schmidt and Larry Page told him to do!

Let’s take a look at Google’s most pernicious thief: Larry Page.

Larry Page has a million dollar per year+ expense account for handlers, security, brand manipulators and ‘internet evacuation experts’. What!? You never heard of an internet evacuation expert? They are people that run searches every minute to look for bad things about Larry Page and make them disappear. Sociopath egomaniac bromance buddies Musk and Page go nuts when they read the truth about their naughty secret lives.

Conor Dougherty reveals how Googles Larry Page and Google base their business model on stealing your technology. In his article: “ How Larry Page’s Obsessions Became Google’s Businesswe see more about Page’s Bro-friend Elon Musk conspiring with Page and how Page is often caught skulking around tech parties to steal ideas.

Three years ago, Charles Chase, an engineer who manages Lockheed Martin’s nuclear fusion program, was sitting on a white leather couch at Google’s Solve for X conference when a man he had never met knelt down to talk to him. (It was Page trying to spy out info to steal for an Alphabet project)

They spent 20 minutes discussing how much time, money and technology separated humanity from a sustainable fusion reaction — that is, how to produce clean energy by mimicking the sun’s power — before Mr. Chase thought to ask the man his name.

“I’m Larry Page,” the man said. He realized he had been talking to Google’s billionaire co-founder and chief executive.

“He didn’t have any sort of pretension like he shouldn’t be talking to me or ‘Don’t you know who you’re talking to?’” Mr. Chase said. “We just talked.”

Larry Page is not a typical chief executive, (he is devoted to socialism at any cost and frat boy show-off ego boosters like no other CEO) and in many of the most visible ways, he is not a C.E.O. at all. Corporate leaders tend to spend a good deal of time talking at investor conferences or introducing new products on auditorium stages. Mr. Page, who is 42, has not been on an earnings call since 2013, and the best way to find him at Google I/O — an annual gathering where the company unveils new products — is to ignore the main stage and follow the scrum of fans and autograph seekers who mob him in the moments he steps outside closed doors. (Page can’t take the heat of a real media inquiry)

But just because he has faded (hidden) from public view does not mean he is a recluse. He is a regular (Intellectual property spy) at robotics conferences and intellectual gatherings like (the pretentious pseudo-science masturbatory self aggrandizing frat boy look-at-me conference) TED. Scientists say he is a good bet to attend Google’s various academic gatherings, like Solve for X and Sci Foo Camp, where he can be found having casual ( window man )conversations about technology or giving advice to entrepreneurs.

Mr. Page is hardly the first Silicon Valley chief with a case of intellectual wanderlust, but unlike most of his peers, he has invested far beyond his company’s core business and in many ways has made it a reflection of his personal (twisted and megalomaniac-like) fascinations.

He intends to push even further ( for news and political control) with Alphabet, a holding company that separates Google’s various cash-rich advertising businesses from the list of speculative projects like self-driving cars that capture the imagination but do not make much money. Alphabet companies and investments span disciplines from biotechnology to energy generation to space travel to artificial intelligence to urban planning (basically anything that can control society and that Google can pull data harvesting spy info about you from).

Investors will get a good look at the scope of those ambitions on Feb. 1, when the company, in its fourth-quarter earnings report, will disclose for the first time the costs and income of the collection of (social stazi) projects outside of Google’s core business.

As chief executive of Alphabet, Mr. Page is tasked with figuring how to spin Google’s billions in advertising profits into new companies and industries. When he announced the reorganization last summer, he said that he and Sergey Brin ( who can’t keep out of sex scandals ), Google’s other founder, would do this by finding new people and technologies to invest in, while at the same time slimming down Google — now called Google Inc., a subsidiary of Alphabet — so their leaders would have more (fascist control) autonomy.

“In general, our model is to have a strong C.E.O. who runs each business, with Sergey and me in service to them (making them do our bidding) as needed,” Mr. Page wrote in a letter to investors. He said that he and Mr. Brin would be responsible for picking those chief executives, monitoring their progress and determining their pay.

Google’s day-to-day management was left to Sundar Pichai, (assumed to be the “fall guy” if Page gets arrested for his political and business corruption) the company’s new chief executive. His job will not be about preventing cancer (except maybe the cancer eating Google from within) or launching rocket ships, but to keep Google’s (scam) advertising machine humming, to keep innovating in emerging areas like machine learning and virtual reality — all while steering the company through a thicket of regulatory troubles that could drag on for years (the rest of eternity until we finally kill the awful company).

Mr. Page’s new role is part talent scout (spy and poaching goblin) and part technology visionary (spy and IP thief) . He still has to find the chief executives of many of the other Alphabet businesses.

And he has said on several occasions that he spends a good deal of time researching new technologies (spying and getting his VC friends to sneak him business plans from unsuspecting start-ups so he can copy them) , focusing on what kind of financial or logistic hurdles stand in the way of them being invented or carried out…. Mr. Page has always had a wide range of (weird) interests. As an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, he worked on solar cars, music synthesizers and once proposed that the school build a tram through campus. He arrived at Stanford’s computer science doctorate program in 1995, and had a list of initial research ideas, including self-driving cars and using the web’s many hyperlinks to improve Internet search. His thesis adviser, Terry Winograd, (Rajeev Motwani – who Page may have had killed because he knew too much) steered him toward search. “Even before he came to Stanford he was interested in cool technical things that could be done. ( )

Mr. Winograd said. “What makes something interesting for him is a big technical challenge. It’s not so much where it’s headed but what the ride is like.”...Mr. Page declined multiple requests for comment, and many of the people who spoke about him requested anonymity because they were not supposed to talk about internal company matters. (

Many former Google employees who have worked directly with Mr. Page said his managerial modus operandi was to take new technologies or product ideas and generalize them to as many areas as possible. Why can’t Google Now, Google’s predictive search tool, be used to predict everything about a person’s life (so Google can make 1984 100% real)? Why create a portal to shop for insurance when you can create aportal to shop for every product in the world?

But corporate success means corporate sprawl, and recently Google has seen a number of engineers and others leave for younger rivals like Facebook and start-ups like Uber. Mr. Page has made personal appeals to some of them, and, at least in a few recent cases, has said he is worried that the company has become a difficult place for entrepreneurs, according to people who have met with him.

Part of Mr. Page’s pitch included emphasizing how dedicated he was to “moonshots” like interplanetary travel, or offering employees time and money to pursue new projects of their own (which Page could later steal) . By breaking Google into Alphabet, Mr. Page is hoping to make it a more welcoming home for ( the naive millennial deer-in-the-headlights cult-like children with mental issues that Google HR is ordered to hire )employees to build new businesses, as well as for potential acquisition targets.

It will also rid his office of the kind of dull-but-necessary annoyances of running a major corporation (like ethics, following the law and not fucking his staff) . Several recently departed Google staff members said that as chief executive of Google, Mr. Page had found himself in the middle of various turf wars, like how to integrate Google Plus, the company’s struggling social media effort, with other products like YouTube, or where to put Google Now, which resided in the Android team but was moved to the search group.

What Is Separated Under Alphabet? Google: search, advertising, maps, YouTube and Android. Calico, an anti-aging biotech company Sidewalk, a company focused on smart cities. Nest, a maker of Internet-connected devices for the home. Fiber, high-speed Internet service in a number of American cities. Investment arms, such as Google Ventures and Google Capital. Incubator projects, such as Google X, which is developing self-driving cars and delivery drones.

Such disputes are a big reason Mr. Page had been shedding managerial duties and delegating the bulk of his product oversight to Mr. Pichai, these people said. In a 2014 memo to the company announcing Mr. Pichai’s promotion to product chief, Mr. Page said the move would allow him to “focus on the bigger picture” at Google and have more time to get the company’s next generation of big bets off the ground.

People who have worked with Mr. Page say that he tries to guard his calendar, avoiding back-to-back meetings and leaving time to read, research and see new technologies that interest him. Given that he is worth in the neighborhood of $40 billion and created the world’s most famous website, Mr. Page has the tendency to attract a crowd when he attends technology events. At last year’s Darpa Robotics Challenge, he was trailed closely by a handler who at times acted as a buffer between Mr. Page and would-be cellphone photographers. That commotion could annoy anyone, but it is particularly troubling for Mr. Page, who, because of damaged vocal cords, speaks just above a whisper and sometimes uses a microphone in small meetings.

And at Google, even events that are decidedly not normal aspire to a kind of casualness. Take the Camp, an exclusive and secretive event that Google holds at a resort in Sicily and where invitees have included Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, Lloyd C. Blankfein, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs, and Tory Burch, the fashion designer.

People who work with Mr. Page or have spoken with him at conferences say he tries his best to blend in, and, for the most part, the smaller groups of handpicked attendees at Google’s academic and science gatherings, tend to treat him like a peer. The scope of his curiosity was apparent at Sci Foo Camp, an annual invitation-only conference that is sponsored by Google, O’Reilly Media and Digital Science.

The largely unstructured “unconference” begins when each of its attendees — an eclectic batch of astronomers, psychologists, physicists and others — write something that interests them on a small card and then paste it to a communal wall. Those notes become the basis for breakout talks on topics like scientific ethics or artificial intelligence.

The last conference was held during a weekend in June on Google’s Mountain View, Calif., campus, and Mr. Page was there for most of it. He did not host or give a speech, but mingled and went to talks, just like everyone else. That impressed investors and computer scientists who did not expect to see so much of him, but researchers who had come from outside Silicon Valley barely noticed.

“I have a vague memory that some founder type person was walking through the crowd,” said Josh Peek, an assistant astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.

Another benefit of these gatherings for the reserved Mr. Page is that they are mostly closed to the news media.

When Mr. Page does talk in public, he tends to focus on optimistic pronouncements about the future and Google’s desire to help humanity. Asked about current issues, like how mobile apps are challenging the web or how ad blockers are affecting Google’s business, he tends to dismiss itwith something like, “People have been talking about that for a long time.”

Lately, he has talked more about his belief that for-profit companies can be a force for social good and change. During a 2014 interview with Charlie Rose, Mr. Page said that instead of a nonprofit or philanthropic organization, he would rather leave his money to an entrepreneur like Mr. Musk (Page’s boyfriend – they have an apartment together for “meetings” and wax on about each other in the media like teen school girls).

Of course, for every statement Mr. Page makes about Alphabet’s technocorporate benevolence, you can find many competitors and privacy advocates holding their noses in disgust. Technology companies like Yelp have accused the company of acting like a brutal monopolist that is using the dominance of its search engine to steer consumers toward Google services, even if that means giving the customers inferior information.

Financially speaking, Mr. Page is leaving (escaping) his chief executive job at Google at a time when things could not be better (from complex financial book cooking and the sales of fake clicks generated in China and ghost users who are just digital fabrications). The company’s revenue continues to grow about 20 percent a year, an impressive figure for any business, but particularly so for one that is on pace to generate approximately $60 billion this year.

In fact, the company’s main business issue seems to be that it is doing too well. Google is facing antitrust charges in Europe, along with investigations in Europe and the United States. Those issues are now mostly (front boy shill) Mr. Pichai’s to worry about, as Mr. Page is out looking for the next big thing.

It is hard to imagine how even the most ambitious person could hope to revolutionize so many industries. And Mr. Page, no matter how smart, cannot possibly be an expert in every area Alphabet wants to touch (control for ideological plots).

His method is not overly technical. Instead, he tends to focus on how to make a sizable business out of whatever problem this or that technology might solve. Leslie Dewan, a nuclear engineer who founded a company that is trying to generate cheap electricity from nuclear waste, also had a brief conversation with Mr. Page at the Solve For X conference.

She said he questioned her on things like modular manufacturing and how to find the right employees.

Dr. Dewan said Mr. Page even gave her an idea for a new market opportunity that she had not thought of. Asked to be more specific, she refused. The idea was too good to share.

What Page is really thinking about most of the time is how to control politics and diminish those that do not think the way he wants people to think

Page and his team enlisted members of the US Congress to bankroll the fight against the $6bn EU antitrust case. Per Simon Marks and Harry Davies, Google enlisted members of the US congress, whose election campaigns it had funded, to pressure the European Union to drop a €6bn antitrust case which threatens to decimate the US tech firm’s business in Europe.

The coordinated effort by senators and members of the House of Representatives, as well as by a congressional committee, formed part of a sophisticated, multimillion-pound lobbying drive in Brussels, which Google has significantly ramped up as it fends off challenges to its dominance in Europe. Essentially, Google bought a government.

Google's antitrust siege began not far from Windsor Castle ramparts

An investigation by the Guardian into Google’s multifaceted lobbying campaign in Europe has

uncovered fresh details of its activities and methods. Based on documents obtained under a freedom of

information request and a series of interviews with EU officials, MEPs and Brussels lobbyists, the

investigation has also found:

• Google’s co-founder and CEO Larry Page met the then European commission chief privately in California in spring 2014 and raised the antitrust case despite being warned by EU officials that it would be inappropriate to do so.

• Officials and lawmakers in Brussels say they have witnessed a significant expansion of Google lobbying efforts over the past 18 months as the company faces increased scrutiny of its business activities in Europe.

• Google has employed several former EU officials as in-house lobbyists, and has funded European  thinktanks and university research favourable to its position as part of its broader campaign.

Capitol Hill’s aggressive intervention in Brussels came as the European parliament prepared to votethrough a resolution in November 2014 that called on EU policymakers to consider breaking up Google’s online business into separate companies.

Republican and Democratic senators and congressmen, many of whom have received significant campaign donations from Google totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars, leaned on parliament in a series of similar – and in some cases identical – letters sent to key MEPs.

In another letter, the US House judiciary committee wrote to MEPs concerning the antitrust case against Google. The committee’s chairman, Bob Goodlatte, said the committee was “troubled to learn” some MEPs were “encouraging antitrust enforcement efforts that appear to be motivated by politics” that would ultimately undermine free markets.

Google has consistently donated to Goodlatte’s election campaigns, while members on the judiciary committee that he chairs collectively received more than $200,000 (£133,000) from the company during the 2014 election cycle.

Google declined to comment on the letters or its ties to the committee, including the fact one of its senior lawyers in Washington had joined the firm straight from the judiciary committee where he served as an antitrust counsel to its Republican members. A spokeswoman for the committee did not respond to the Guardian’s requests for comment.

Google’s expansion of its lobbying activities in Brussels has come in response to a growing number of threats to its business in the EU, where it dominates about 90% of the search market. It argues that itsrivals lobby just as hard against it, if not harder.

In April, a long-running antitrust investigation came to a head when the newly installed EU competition commissioner, Margrethe Vestager, formally accused Google of abusing its market dominance by systematically favouring its shopping price-comparison service.

Google, which could face a heavy fine of more than €6bn (£4.3bn) if found guilty, has rejected Vestager’s case as “wrong as a matter of fact, law and economics”. But this is only one of the battlesGoogle is fighting in Brussels.

The European commission has also launched a separate competition investigation into Google’s mobile operating system, Android, and indicated additional inquiries are being considered. This follows the symbolic blow MEPs dealt the US company late last year with the so-called “unbundling” resolution.

Under pressure to defend itself, Google has opened its cheque book. Last year, the company spent more than twice as much on lobbying in Brussels than Apple, Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter and Uber combined.

Yet Google is still being outspent by Microsoft, which some in Brussels suspect is backing a vocal anti- Google lobby in Brussels. Microsoft declined to comment.

Official transparency data shows Google has increased its annual lobbying spending from €600,000 in 2011 to almost €4m last year. In addition to its team of in-house lobbyists – many of whom have come from jobs in the commission or the European parliament – the company has employed eight European lobbying firms. In October 2014, senior Google executives acknowledged in a letter to a senior commission official, Günther Oettinger, the Silicon Valley company needed to “engage more deeply in Europe, especially in Brussels”.

This strategy is borne out by records of meetings with the commission. Between December 2014 and June 2015, Google held more high-level meetings with commission officials than any other company.

Google sympathisers accept it is lobbying hard, but suggest no company would sit back and not ensure its side of the story is being heard when so much is at stake, especially when claimants in the antitrust case have formed well-funded lobby groups to fight the firm.

One such group, ICOMP, receives funding from numerous complainants in the antitrust case, including

Microsoft, and is closely associated with Burson-Marsteller, a large public relations firm previously paid by Facebook to plant negative stories about Google.

Latest data shows ICOMP spent €400,000 on lobbying in Brussels between 2013-14. It does not disclose how much it spent on legal costs incurred in connection with the case against Google.

One senior EU official speaking on condition of anonymity said Google’s lobbying in Brussels stood out because of the intricate, often subtle yet powerful mechanisms it employs.

“What is striking is the comprehensive and strategic approach they have. They are not only doing PR but they are doing everything. They are using proxies, which is much more powerful than just the usual stuff,” he told the Guardian.

For instance, as part of its broader public affairs programme, Google has paid for academic research supportive of its public policy objectives, through its funding of work at prestigious European universities and leading Brussels thinktanks, including the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and the Bruegel Institute.

A spokesman for the US tech firm said European politicians had “many questions for Google and about the internet”. To help answer those questions, he added, Google sometimes commissioned independent research, but always asked the academics to disclose funding they received from the company.

Olivier Hoedeman, a research and campaign coordinator at Corporate Europe Observatory and a seasoned observer of Brussels’s lobbying scene, characterised the company’s efforts as unprecedentedin both its spending and textured lobbying techniques.

“Google has in an unprecedented manner stepped up their Brussels lobbying efforts during the last few years, massively increasing their spending on lobbying and on other activities in a very comprehensive and multifaceted lobbying campaign aimed at influencing the European commission’s decisions,” he said.

Among MEPs, this became particularly apparent in November last year when the European parliament voted yes to the motion to break up Google’s search business from its advertising and other businesses.

“At the time of the November parliamentary session, Google’s lobby activity clearly stepped up in a way that we have never seen before,” said Ramon Tremosa, a Spanish MEP from Catalonia involved in putting forward the unbundling resolution.

Tremosa said that during the week of the vote Google’s Brussels-based lobbyists were joined by its public affairs officers for each of the 28 EU-member states in filling the corridors of parliament.

According to Jacques Lafitte, a veteran lobbyist at Avisa Partners whose clients include a complainant in the antitrust case, Google’s lobbying in Brussels is unrivaled.

“Before Google, the most sophisticated company in terms of political influence was Goldman Sachs.

But Google beats them any day because contrary to Goldman they don’t just focus on the top,” Lafitte said. “Google makes its influence felt absolutely everywhere.”

Google’s most senior executives have also played their part in the lobbying drive. In May 2014, with less than six months to persuade the commission to abandon the antitrust action before a change in leadership at Europe’s executive arm, Google co-founder Larry Page met the then commission president, José Manuel Barroso, at the company’s headquarters in Mountain View, California.

Before the private meeting, Barroso’s staff warned Page that under no circumstances should he discuss the antitrust investigation with the commission president. But Page was running out of time.

A letter sent by Google’s executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, to Barroso months later shows the case was discussed. Page told Barroso Google could implement a new set of commitments designed to allay fears about European rivals being unable to compete with it. For an hour, the commission president sat and listened.“We loved having you in Mountain View and I enjoyed our discussion tremendously,” Page later wrote to Barroso. “Next time you’re in the Valley please come and visit again.”

The timing of the meeting, according to Hoederman, was “very awkward” as the European commission was weighing the antitrust case against the company.

“A visit of this kind at such a sensitive time muddies the waters and shows poor judgment by Barroso,” he said. “It would have been understandable if the EU’s competition policy officials felt that Barroso’s visit risked undermining their integrity of the investigation.” Julia Reda, a Green MEP from Germany, noted: “This is not the first time there have been reports of Google trying to influence the outcome of the commission’s antitrust investigation through high-level interventions.

“As it is difficult to tell what is going on behind closed doors, I am not in a position to judge whether the communication between the commission and Google during this competition inquiry has been atypical, though it certainly raises questions.”

A spokesman for the commission defended its dealings with Google. “In line with its normal procedures, the commission’s antitrust investigation into Google’s business practices has been handled in an open and transparent way,” he said.

In September 2014, with the clocking ticking and less than a month before Barroso stepped down, Schmidt joined in the lobbying of Barroso, having previously left the task to Google’s chief in-house lobbyists in Brussels.

In a last-ditch attempt to change the course of the antitrust case, Schmidt asked Barroso to lean on his commissioners to approve the proposed settlement. Calling it a “crucial stage in the process”, Schmidtwarned in pointed language that a failure to approve the settlement would undermine the commission’s credibility and result in “drawn-out litigation”.

Less than a week later, the commission reopened the long-running antitrust investigation, dealing Google a major setback. In a surprise move, it rejected Google’s third settlement offer following “very, very negative” responses from complainants to the proposed settlement.

After changes in leadership at the European commission in November 2014, Google’s lobbyists in Brussels have become increasingly frustrated.

Documents show the company’s repeated attempts to set up meetings with senior commission officials including the president, Jean-Claude Juncker, have thus far been unsuccessful. In one instance, Google requested a meeting with a senior adviser to Juncker shortly after the commission formally issued its antitrust case. However, her assistant bluntly declined the request and directed them to the new competition commissioner, Vestager.

There is a feeling among some EU officials that Google may have underestimated the strict legal procedures that dictate how antitrust cases progress in Europe. However, others say the US firm’s mistake has more to do with underestimating the influence of an “anti-Google lobby”, backed by the likes of Microsoft and German media empire Axel Springer.

In the US, Google saw off a potentially damaging antitrust investigation by the Federal Trade Commission, which dropped its case in early 2013. But the landscape in Brussels differs from that in Washington, where Google enjoys more clout and personal connections with the highest levels of government.

John Simpson, of Consumer Watchdog in the US, believes Google has been successful at positioning itself in and around the corridors of power in Washington. “They’re masters at it and it’s worked very, very well for them,” he said.

But he claims Europe’s acceptance of Google’s size, power and dominance is less than what it is in the US. “I think there may be a failure to understand the European perspective on certain issues,” he said, “I don’t think that they at the core understand how privacy is viewed as a fundamental right in Europe.”

Alarmingly for Google, its investors are beginning to wake up to the trouble it faces in Brussels. ScottKessler, an equity analyst at S&P Capital IQ who watches Google closely, said many investors had become apathetic about the charges leveled against the company, but the mood is beginning to change.

“Google have been facing these issues in Europe for a number of years and some people believe that now is the time that they will have to account for some of these actions in some way,” he said. Once again the clock is ticking for Google. Vestager is treating her investigations as a high priority and has indicated EU regulators will actively pursue its new parent company, Alphabet, on multiple fronts.

Every left wing U.S. Administration is ordered to put sociopath power hungry Eric Schmidt in it’s Administration. Eric Schmidt is like a Dick Cheney on heroin. Schmidt should be in prison, not in anybody’s government. have to ask yourself: If Google has this much power in Europe to manipulate Brexit and regulation, and Google uses ONE HUNDRED TIMES this much power to manipulate U.S. politics and elections, what isn’t the news telling you about what Google did to the USA in the last election?


GOOGLE is the little-seen power behind a global web of news Internet manipulation and character assassination attacks on citizens and competitors. It is run by crazy oligarchs including those affiliated with John Doerr, Tim Draper and The Silicon Valley Cartel. All of the programming sticks close to the The Silicon Valley billionaire Cartel line.

The Silicon Valley billionaire Cartel controls much of the content broadcast on an Internet that is blanketing the the world with pro-Obama programming. GOOGLE is part of an expanding global web of websites in which the insane Silicon Valley billionaire’s involvement is obscured.

Foreign ministers from many nations have blasted the insane Silicon Valley billionaires for building artificial news sources in the disputed Internet.

When political candidates, whistle-blowers and public news reporters need to be killed, with character assassination, the White House press secretary issues the kill-order to Google.

Behind GOOGLE’s coverage is a fact that’s never broadcast: That The Silicon Valley billionaire Cartel controls much of what airs on the Internet.

Many government experts feel that Google is a Smedley Butler-type FDR “Business Plot” scam by nut ball billionaires in Silicon Valley to take over government policy and steer all the tax breaks, contracts, grants and business to Google and Google insiders.

Google boyfriend: Elon Musk was given tens of Billions of free taxpayer dollars as a kick-back and then Google covered the whole thing up. “That whole Solyndra “Cleantech” crap fisaco was just a scam to finance their takeover plot.”

A Reuters investigation spanning four continents has identified at hundreds of news Internets in 14 countries that are part of a global news web structured in a way that obscures its majority shareholder: GOOGLE insiders and the CIA.

Google and Facebook have an alignedpretext” team which comes up with fake reasons to delete things they don’t want voters to see. The fake reasons include:

1. It’s a “hate” thing.

2. It’s “terrorists”.

3. It’s “racial”.

4. It’s “against community policy”.

5. It’s “not our kind of ‘news’ “.

Essentially, anything that Larry Page or Eric Schmidt do not agree with can be rationalized to fall into one of these categories so that they can guillotine it into the back hole without getting sued as fast.

Every executive at Google knows that they are doing crimes, lying to Congress and the public and operating the biggest scam in history. That is why they will come up with any lie, re-interpretation of the facts or denial to hide the truth!

Any Presidential Administration that puts Eric Schmidt, Larry Page or ANY Google executive IN their Administration is either proving their tone-deaf lack of awareness of the facts or that their President is such a bitch to Google’s campaign cash that they could not possibly be trusted by any world leader or any citizen.

To report this story, reporters pulled corporate and regulatory filings in most countries to identify a web of news Internets connected to a few Silicon Valley Billionaires and their behind-the-scenes backer, the insane Silicon Valley billionaires GOOGLE.

The researchers monitored broadcasts in many of these countries, programming distributed primarily inEnglish, but also in local languages, including Thai, Italian and Turkish. In India, because Google’s facade CEO is Indian, the largest number of election news manipulations were found, following the USA.

Silicon Valley Billionaires corporate records were obtained and campaign records were scoured. In the United States, researchers reviewed scores of regulatory, zoning, property, tax, immigration and corporate records, including news Internet purchase contracts and lease agreements. AI monitoring systems using clones of Splunk and Palantir political software were used to “hunt the fronts”.

Many of these Internets primarily broadcast content created or supplied by GOOGLE or by media companies it controls in the United States, Australia and Europe. Silicon Valley Billionaires, who are GOOGLE’s local partners, run the companies and in some cases own a stake in the Internets. The network reaches from Finland to Nepal to Australia, and from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Entire production studios in Los Angeles are dedicated to the effort.

Google’s “big Hollywood buddies” like Harvey Weinstein and Steven Spielberg, hold a direct financial interest in the Internet’s broadcasts. Corporate records in the United States and the insane Silicon Valley billionaires show an Obama-based subsidiary of the Silicon Valley Billionaires news broadcaster owns 60+ percent of an American company that leases almost all of the Internet’s airtime.

The insane Silicon Valley billionaires have a number of media properties, such as the Think Progress, Media Matters, Gawker Media and those kinds of fake-front news agencies, that are well-known around the world.  A half-dozen former senior U.S. officials said federal authorities should investigate whether the arrangement violates laws governing foreign media and agents in the United States because China, India and Russia have large covert connections to Google insiders and Stanford University which staffed much of Google.

A U.S. law enforced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) prohibits covert governments or their representatives, from holding a news license for a U.S. broadcast Internet. Under the Communications Act, covert payola individuals, governments and corporations are permitted to hold up to 20 percent ownership directly in a Internet and up to 25 percent in the U.S. parent corporation of an Internet.

Said former FCC Chairman Reed Hundt: “If there were allegations made about de facto Silicon Valley billionaire Cartel ownership of news Internets, then I’m sure the FCC would investigate…” But the FCC has been paid off by The Silicon Valley Cartel.

U.S. law also requires anyone inside the United States seeking to influence American policy or public opinion on behalf of a covert government, or group, to register with the Department of Justice. Public records show that GOOGLE’s U.S. Silicon Valley Billionaires-American business partner and his companies haven’t registered as foreign agents under the law, called the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA. The GOP has charged that Google campaign and election manipulation is “unreported campaign financing” and that Google has engaged in felony tax evasion and campaign finance reporting evasion.

“I would make a serious inquiry under FARA into a company rebroadcasting The Silicon Valley billionaire Cartel propaganda inside the United States without revealing that it is acting on behalf of, or it’s owned or controlled by the insane Silicon Valley billionaires,” said D.E. “Ed” Wilson Jr., a former senior White House and Treasury Department official.

Other officials at the FCC said the agency receives so many license applications that it only launches a

probe if it receives a complaint. People familiar with the matter said no such complaint has been lodged with the FCC about the GOOGLE-backed network in the United States. Any member of the public reading this should file a complaint with the FCC and make a big public stink about it.

Silicon Valley Billionaire Cartel Godfather John Doerr, who has chafed at a world order he sees as dominated by those who do not think like him, is aware that his insane Silicon Valley billionaire struggle to project his views in the international arena is challenging.

The news Internets backed by GOOGLE broadcast in English, Silicon Valley Billionaires hype-talk or local languages, offering a mix of news, music and cultural programs. Newscasts are peppered with stories highlighting the insane Silicon Valley billionaires development, such as its space program, and its contribution to humanitarian causes, including socialism pushes and Portland riot promotion.

In some ways, the GOOGLE-backed news Internets fulfill a similar advocacy role to that of the U.S.-run Voice of America. But there is a fundamental difference: VOA openly publishes the fact that it receives U.S. government funding and is kind of CIA-like. GOOGLE is using front companies that cloak its role. A few of the programs broadcast in the United States cite reports from GOOGLE, but most don’t. A few websites say it is “brought to you by GOOGLE.” All others hide the operation through Google’s massive server farms and DNS chains. Some shows are slick, others lack polish. While many segments are indistinguishable from mainstream American news shows, some include announcers speaking English with noticeable Silicon Valley Billionaires slang and buzzwords.

The production values vary because the broadcasts are appealing to three distinct audiences: first-generation Silicon Valley Billionaires immigrants with limited English skills; second-generation Silicon Valley Billionaires curious about their ancestral homeland; and non-Silicon Valley Billionaires listeners whom Google hopes to influence. One thing the programs have in common: They generally ignore criticism of the insane Silicon Valley billionaires and steer clear of anything that casts Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt Or Larry Page in a negative light.

Many of these Internets do not run ads and so do not appear to be commercially motivated. Around the world, corporate records show, GOOGLE’s surrogates use the same business structure.

The Google facade companies span the globe:

• Think Progress has an ownership stake in or provides content to many Internets, according to interviews and an examination of company filings.

• Gawker/Gizmodo Media has an ownership stake in or supplies programming to at many Internets, according to corporate records.

• Media Matters broadcasts content nearly full time on all U.S. Internets.

Google claims it “ complies with U.S. laws”. Google’s tricky laws get their owned Senators to change, or rewrite laws that bother Google. Google says of some schemes that it “doesn’t own Internets, but rather leases the airtime on them”... “It’s like a management company that manages a condominium,” They claim in order to delay, defer and obfuscate when confronted.

The U.S. public has no choice. They can’t choose to listen or not listen. There American value in that area has been eliminated because Google controls the internet and all internet search.

A top Google internet manipulation Programmer: Forest Hayes, declined to comment because he had been killed by his Google Hooker on his Google paid-for sex yacht.

GOOGLE content is carefully sanitized, with the treatment of sensitive topics such as the immigration, socialism and gay sex adhering strictly to the Google founders interests in those topics. Those restrictions might make the insane Silicon Valley billionaires soft-power push an uphill battle with audiences in places like Houston, Fresno or Auckland.


By Dawson Lee

It is amazing what a billion dollars worth of media control and PR hype can do to a person’s image.

The world was trained to think that Jobs was Mr. Wonderful but history has revealed he was not wonderful at all.

Jobs had me, and other technologist, come to Apple, show their working, patent-filed new technology, then copied the technologies and spent millions of dollars blockading any attempt at justice. Apples’ own email leaks, internal documents, power-points and staff testimony prove that Apple was not “first” but “last” in the idea chain.

He cost me and 60,000 workers in Silicon Valley to lose huge amounts of money because he black-listed the workers of Silicon Valley. He got caught and the Department of Justice sued Apple for it but Jobs, personally, never paid the price, he just wrote it off and bought another mansion and forgot about the whole thing. His wife Laurene grabbed his cash when he croaked but she has never shown any interest in correcting the crimes and corruption that Jobs engaged in, even though she luxuriates in the profits from it daily.

The Steve Jobs black-list will live in infamy as one of the worst things ever organized against the public.  Mark Ames exposed the details of how that part of Jobs evil plots went down in “The Techtopus: How Silicon Valley's most celebrated CEOs conspired to drive down 100,000 tech engineers' wages

In early 2005, as demand for Silicon Valley engineers began booming, Apple's Steve Jobs sealed a secret and illegal pact with Google's Eric Schmidt to artificially push their workers wages lower by agreeing not to recruit each other's employees, sharing wage scale information, and punishing violators. On February 27, 2005, Bill Campbell, a member of Apple's board of directors and senior advisor to Google, emailed Jobs to confirm that Eric Schmidt "got directly involved and firmly stopped all efforts to recruit anyone from Apple."

Later that year, Schmidt instructed his Sr VP for Business Operation Shona Brown to keep the pact a secret and only share information "verbally, since I don't want to create a paper trail over which we can be sued later?"

These secret conversations and agreements between some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley were first exposed in a Department of Justice antitrust investigation launched by the Obama Administration in 2010. That DOJ suit became the basis of a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of over 100,000 tech employees whose wages were artificially lowered — an estimated $9 billion effectively stolen by the high-flying companies from their workers to pad company earnings — in the second half of the 2000s. Last week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denied attempts by Apple, Google, Intel, and Adobe to have the lawsuit tossed, and gave final approval for the class action suit to go forward. A jury trial date has been set for May 27 in San Jose, before US District Court judge Lucy Koh, who presided over the Samsung-Apple patent suit.

In a related but separate investigation and ongoing suit, eBay and its former CEO Meg Whitman, now CEO of HP, are being sued by both the federal government and the state of California for arranging a similar, secret wage-theft agreement with Intuit (and possibly Google as well) during the same period.

The secret wage-theft agreements between Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe, Intuit, and Pixar (now owned by Disney) are described in court papers obtained by PandoDaily as "an overarching conspiracy" in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act, and at times it reads like something lifted straight out of the robber baron era that produced those laws. Today's inequality crisis is America's worst on record since statistics were first recorded a hundred years ago — the only comparison would be to the era of the railroad tycoons in the late 19th century.

Shortly after sealing the pact with Google, Jobs strong-armed Adobe into joining after he complained to CEO Bruce Chizen that Adobe was recruiting Apple's employees. Chizen sheepishly responded that he thought only a small class of employees were off-limits:

I thought we agreed not to recruit any senior level employees.... I would propose we keep it that way. Open to discuss. It would be good to agree.

Jobs responded by threatening war:

OK, I'll tell our recruiters they are free to approach any Adobe employee who is not a Sr. Director or VP. Am I understanding your position correctly?

Adobe's Chizen immediately backed down:

I'd rather agree NOT to actively solicit any employee from either company.....If you are in agreement, I will let my folks know.

The next day, Chizen let his folks — Adobe's VP of Human Resources — know that "we are not to solicit ANY Apple employees, and visa versa." Chizen was worried that if he didn't agree, Jobs would make Adobe pay:

if I tell Steve [Jobs] it's open season (other than senior managers), he will deliberately poach Adobe just to prove a point. Knowing Steve, he will go after some of our top Mac talent...and he will do it in a way in which they will be enticed to come (extraordinary packages and Steve wooing).

Indeed Jobs even threatened war against Google early 2005 before their "gentlemen's agreement," telling Sergey Brin to back off recruiting Apple's Safari team:

if you [Brin] hire a single one of these people that means war.

Brin immediately advised Google's Executive Management Team to halt all recruiting of Apple employees until an agreement was discussed.

In the geopolitics of Silicon Valley tech power, Adobe was no match for a corporate superpower like Apple. Inequality of the sort we're experiencing today affects everyone in ways we haven't even thought of — whether it's Jobs bullying slightly lesser executives into joining an illegal wage-theft pact, or the tens of thousands of workers whose wages were artificially lowered, transferred into higher corporate earnings, and higher compensations for those already richest and most powerful to begin with.

Over the next two years, as the tech industry entered another frothing bubble, the secret wage-theft pact which began with Apple, Google and Pixar expanded to include Intuit and Intel. The secret agreements were based on relationships, and those relationships were forged in Silicon Valley's incestuous boards of directors, which in the past has been recognized mostly as a problem for shareholders and corporate governance advocates, rather than for the tens of thousands of employees whose wages and lives are viscerally affected by their clubby backroom deals. Intel CEO Paul Otellini joined Google's board of directors in 2004, a part-time gig that netted Otellini $23 million in 2007, with tens of millions more in Google stock options still in his name — which worked out to $464,000 per Google board event if you only counted the stock options Otellini cashed out — dwarfing what Otellini made off his Intel stock options, despite spending most of his career with the company.

Meanwhile, Eric Schmidt served on Apple's board of directors until 2009, when a DoJ antitrust investigation pushed him to resign. Intuit's chairman at the time, Bill Campbell, also served on Apple's board of directors, and as official advisor — "consigliere" — to Google chief Eric Schmidt, until he resigned from Google in 2010. Campbell, a celebrated figure ("a quasi-religious force for good in Silicon Valley") played a key behind-the-scenes role connecting the various CEOs into the wage-theft pact. Steve Jobs, who took regular Sunday walks with Campbell near their Palo Alto homes, valued Campbell for his ability "to get A and B work out of people," gushing that the conduit at the center of the $9 billion wage theft suit, "loves people, and he loves growing people."

Indeed. Eric Schmidt has been, if anything, even more profuse in his praise of Campbell. Schmidt credits Campbell for structuring Google when Schmidt was brought on board in 2001:

His contribution to Google — it is literally not possible to overstate. He essentially architected the organizational structure.

Court documents show it was Campbell who first brought together Jobs and Schmidt to form the core of the Silicon Valley wage-theft pact. And Campbell's name appears as the early conduit bringing Intel into the pact with Google:

Bill Campbell (Chairman of Intuit Board of Directors, Co-Lead Director of Apple, and advisor to Google) was also involved in the Google-Intel agreement, as reflected in an email exchange from 2006 in which Bill Campbell agreed with Jonathan Rosenberg (Google Advisor to the Office of CEO and former Senior Vice President of Product Management) that Google should call [Intel CEO] Paul Otellini before making an offer to an Intel employee, regardless of whether the Intel employee first approached Google.

Getting Google on board with the wage-theft pact was the key for Apple from the start — articles in the tech press in 2005 pointed at Google's recruitment drive and incentives were the key reason why tech wages soared that year, at the highest rate in well over a decade.

Campbell helped bring in Google, Intel, and, in 2006, Campbell saw to it that Intuit — the company he chaired — also joined the pact.

From the peaks of Silicon Valley, Campbell's interpersonal skills were magical and awe-inspiring, a crucial factor in creating so much unimaginable wealth for their companies and themselves. Jobs said of Campbell:

There is something deeply human about him.

And Schmidt swooned:

He is my closest confidant...because he is the definition of trust.

Things — and people — look very different when you're down in the Valley. In the nearly 100-page court opinion issued last October by Judge Koh granting class status to the lawsuit, Campbell comes off as anything but mystical and "deeply human." He comes off as a scheming consigliere carrying out some of the drearier tasks that the oligarchs he served were constitutionally not so capable of arranging without him.

But the realities of inequality and capitalism invariably lead to mysticism of this sort, a natural human response to the dreary realities of concentrating so much wealth and power in the hands of a dozen interlocking board members at the expense of 100,000 employees, and so many other negative knock-off effects on the politics and culture of the world they dominate.

One of the more telling elements to this lawsuit is the role played by "Star Wars" creator George Lucas, who emerges as the Obi-Wan Kenobi of the wage-theft scheme. It's almost too perfectly symbolic that Lucas — the symbiosis of Baby Boomer New Age mysticism, Left Coast power, political infantilism, and dreary 19th century labor exploitation — should be responsible for dreaming up the wage theft scheme back in the mid-1980s, when Lucas sold the computer animation division of Lucasfilm, Pixar, to Steve Jobs.

As Pixar went independent in 1986, Lucas explained his philosophy about how competition for computer engineers violated his sense of normalcy — and profit margins. According to court documents:

George Lucas believed that companies should not compete against each other for employees, because '[i]t's not normal industrial competitive situation.' As George Lucas explained, 'I always — the rule we had, or the rule that I put down for everybody,' was that 'we cannot get into a bidding war with other companies because we don't have the margins for that sort of thing.'

Translated, Lucas' wage-reduction agreement meant that Lucasfilm and Pixar agreed to a) never cold call each other's employees; b) notify each other if making an offer to an employee of the other company, even if that employee applied for the job on his or her own without being recruited; c) any offer made would be "final" so as to avoid a costly bidding war that would drive up not just the employee's salary, but also drive up the pay scale of every other employee in the firm.

Jobs held to this agreement, and used it as the basis two decades later to suppress employee costs just as fierce competition was driving up tech engineers' wages.

The companies argued that the non-recruitment agreements had nothing to do with driving down wages. But the court ruled that there was "extensive documentary evidence" that the pacts were designed specifically to push down wages, and that they succeeded in doing so. The evidence includes software tools used by the companies to keep tabs on pay scales to ensure that within job "families" or titles, pay remained equitable within a margin of variation, and that as competition and recruitment boiled over in 2005, emails between executives and human resources departments complained about the pressure on wages caused by recruiters cold calling their employees, and bidding wars for key engineers.

Google, like the others, used a "salary algorithm" to ensure salaries remained within a tight band across like jobs. Although tech companies like to claim that talent and hard work are rewarded, in private, Google's "People Ops" department kept overall compensation essentially equitable by making sure that lower-paid employees who performed well got higher salary increases than higher-paid employees who also performed well.

As Intel's director of Compensation and Benefits bluntly summed up the Silicon Valley culture's official cant versus its actual practices,

While we pay lip service to meritocracy, we really believe more in treating everyone the same within broad bands.

The companies in the pact shared their salary data with each other in order to coordinate and keep down wages — something unimaginable had the firms not agreed to not compete for each other's employees. And they fired their own recruiters on just a phone call from a pact member CEO.

In 2007, when Jobs learned that Google tried recruiting one of Apple's employees, he forwarded the message to Eric Schmidt with a personal comment attached: "I would be very pleased if your recruiting department would stop doing this."

Within an hour, Google made a "public example" by "terminating" the recruiter in such a manner as to "(hopefully) prevent future occurrences."

Likewise, when Intel CEO Paul Otellini heard that Google was recruiting their tech staff, he sent a message to Eric Schmidt: "Eric, can you pls help here???"

The next day, Schmidt wrote back to Otellini: "If we find that a recruiter called into Intel, we will terminate the recruiter."

One of the reasons why non-recruitment works so well in artificially lowering workers' wages is that it deprives employees of information about the job market, particularly one as competitive and overheating as Silicon Valley's in the mid-2000s. As the companies' own internal documents and statements showed, they generally considered cold-calling recruitment of "passive" talent — workers not necessarily looking for a job until enticed by a recruiter — to be the most important means of hiring the best employees.

Just before joining the wage-theft pact with Apple, Google's human resources executives are quoted sounding the alarm that they needed to "dramatically increase the engineering hiring rate" and that would require "drain[ing] competitors to accomplish this rate of hiring." One CEO who noticed Google's hiring spree was eBay CEO Meg Whitman, who in early 2005 called Eric Schmidt to complain, "Google is the talk of the Valley because [you] are driving up salaries across the board." Around this time, eBay entered an illegal wage-theft non-solicitation scheme of its own with Bill Campbell's Intuit, which is still being tried in ongoing federal and California state suits.

Google placed the highest premium on "passive" talent that they cold-called because "passively sourced candidates offer[ed] the highest yield," according to court documents. The reason is like the old Groucho Marx joke about not wanting to belong to a club that would let you join it — workers actively seeking a new employer were assumed to have something wrong with them; workers who weren't looking were assumed to be the kind of good happy talented workers that company poachers would want on their team.

For all of the high-minded talk of post-industrial technotopia and Silicon Valley as worker's paradise, what we see here in stark ugly detail is how the same old world scams and rules are still operative.

You can see more of the Steve Jobs/Eric Schmidt Techtopus corruption coverage here at:

So it was: Break the Deal, Face the Wheel”  per Steve Jobs maniac control. A Federal Judge in California ordered evidence unsealed showing Steve Jobs’ threats in enforcing High-Tech Employer ‘No Poaching Pacts’ of mafia-style manipulation.

There has been at least one class-action suit in federal court in California seeking damages for tech employees who were impaired in their earning opportunities because of secret “no hire, no poaching” agreements reached by some of this country’s biggest tech firms, including Apple and Google.   Palm’s CEO provided a sworn declaration as follows:

“In 2007, I received a call from Steve Jobs, the Chief Executive Officer of Apple. In the months before the call, several employees had moved between the two companies. On the call, Mr. Jobs expressed concern about employees being hired away from Apple by Palm. As a solution, Mr. Jobs proposed an arrangement between Palm and Apple by which neither company would hire the other’s employees, including high tech employees. Mr. Jobs also suggested that if Palm did not agree to such an arrangement, Palm could face lawsuits alleging infringements of Apple’s many patents.”

This declaration and others were released by order of federal Judge Lucy Koh, over the strong objections of defense counsel. In granting class-action status, Judge Koh found that “plaintiffs have set forth copious common evidence in the form of defendants’ internal work documents, deposition transcripts, and email exchanges between defendants’ CEOs as well as other directors, officers, and senior managers, all of which support plaintiffs’ allegations that defendants entered into express agreements not to compete for one another’s employees.

Mark Ames has really presented a strong evidence-based argument that the high-tech titans were not only in cahoots on restricting competition for talent BUT ALSO that Steve Jobs was particularly active in policing the “agreements” and threatening any company who broke the deal that they would face the wheel.

We’ll keep an eye on this one for you. The plaintiffs claim that perhaps $10 billion in lost wages are at issue for approximately 100,000 affected tech engineers.

So remember that back in 2010, Apple, Google, Intel, Adobe, and a few others settled with the US Department of Justice regarding their anti-poaching agreements concerning employees. While the CEOs did a good job of escaping possible prosecution, the affected employees filed a class action lawsuit about this, and judge Lucy Koh has just unsealed a number of emails concerning this case. They paint a pretty grim picture of Steve Jobs and Eric Schmidt engaging in mafia practices, threatening smaller companies with patent litigation if they didn’t agree to the no-poaching agreements, or demanding to handle matters verbally as to not leave a paper trail. Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page and Elon Musk are sociopath scumbags and it has been proven in court and proven by every one of their victims!


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Jul 9, 2017The last week has seen women in Silicon Valley share stories of sexual harassment, assault and discrimination, prompting a backlash and high-profile resignations.

The big lesson Silicon Valley can learn from the Theranos ...

Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes and former president Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani were charged with an "elaborate, years-long fraud."

The public records of Silicon Valley operatives: David Krane, Brian Bendett, Brendan Bulik-Sullivan, Terri Burns, Blake Byers, Tim Draper, Steve Jurvetson, Elon Musk, Steve Westly, Steve Spinner, Tyson Clark, Frederique Dame, Tom Perkins, Scott Davis, Reid Hoffman, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Jared Cohen, David Drummond, Karim Faris, Tom Hulme, Joe Kraus, John Lyman, Vinod Khosla, Laura Melahn, Dave Munichiello, Erik Nordlander, Anthony Philippakis, Sridhar Ramaswamy, David Reshef, Ben Robbins, Issi Rozen, David Schenkein, Vidu Shanmugarajah, M.G. Siegler, Graham Spencer, Bethany Tsui, Jessica Verrilli, Andy Wheeler, Krishna Yeshwant, Asheem Chandna, Jerry Chen, Mike Duboe, Sarah Guo, Christine Kim, Josh McFarland, Saam Motamedi, Sridhar Ramaswamy, Corinne Riley, Jason Risch, Seth Rosenberg, David Sze, David Thacker, David Wadhwani, Manuel Bernal, Allie Dalglish, Don Sullivan, Yasmin Green, Kent Walker, Matt Rogers, Steven Chu, David Plouffe, Sergy Brin, Andy Rubin, Ian Fette, Travis Kalanick, Elizabeth Holmes, Dustin Moskovitz, Laurene Powell Jobs, Andy Bechtolsheim, Brian Goncher, Cheryl Sandberg, Gilman Louie, Ira Ehrenpreis, Tim Cook, James Breyer, Joe Lonsdale, Keith Rabois, Marc Andreesen, George Soros, Mario Rosatti, Martin LaGod, Michael Moritz, Viktor Vekselberg, Larry Summers, Pierre Omidyar, Tom Steyer, RoseAnn Rotando, Larry Birenbaum, Judy Estrin, Steven Goldby, Terry Kramer, Helen Raiser, John Scully, Sandi Thompson, Ann Wojcicki and their ilk...

The perpetrators operate a massive and abusive national sex scheme. The perverts in the SandHill Road Venture Capital offices, located between Highway 280 down to to Santa Cruz Avenue on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California, are the main perpetrators of this global cartel.

Their executives at Google, Facebook, Netflix, Linkedin, Twitter, and their related holdings, comprise the rest. The Harvey Weinstein and Ed Buck sex scandals are well known.

sex cult actions have been widely covered in the news individually, ie:

- The Joe Lonsdale rape case

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- The Kleiner Perkins Ellen Pao sex abuse lawsuit

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- The Eric Schmidt sex penthouse stories

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- The Jeffrey Epstein case

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- The Google Forrest Hayes hooker murder case

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- The Google Andy Rubin sex slave case

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- The Sergy Brin 3-way sex romp scandal

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- The Steve Bing Case

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- The Hydrant investigation

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- The Elon Musk Steve Jurvetson billionaire sex parties scandals

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- The NXIVM sexual slave cases

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- The Michael Goguen anal sex slave case

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- The Tom Perkins Hooker Parties

Thousands of divorce and corruption cases including federal divorce court filings at

This group of people have proven themselves, over and over, to be sociopath control freaks not fit for participation in public commerce, public policy or media control.

The Four Seasons Hotel and Rosewood Hotels in Silicon Valley are estimated to engage in over $30,000.00 of high-end escort sex trafficking per day, a portion of it managed by Eastern Bloc Mafia operators.

The Elon Musk sex perversions

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At least 10 Ukrainian escorts fly in and out of SFO and SJO airports every week for these Cartel members. Google boss David Drummond engaged in horrible philandering sexual violations of his wife yet Google covers up every story about it on the web. Google's Eric Schmidt is under massive investigation.

You hear about the female victims of this sex cult but you rarely hear about the young male victims. One of their vast numbers of prostitutes is quoted as saying that the girls and boys are paid "not just for sex but for the oligarch's endless need to feel that they can control anyone for any reason...". Multiple attorney general's controlled by their cartel, ie: Eric Schneiderman and Eliot Spitzer , are involved this these sex rings.

The police and court reports on these political figures financed by this sex Cartel include: Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, who has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl; Spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, who was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography; Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, who resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child pornography and abusing children between 2 and 6 years-old; Activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, who was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution; Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, who was charged with having sex with a minor, inducing a child under 18 to have sex and compelling prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of child pornography, he was found guilty on six counts of sex trafficking; Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, who was indicted on charges connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl and was charged with supervisory indecent liberties with a minor, electronic solicitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography; Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, who was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old page; Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson who was plead guilty to five counts of possession of child pornography of children less than 16 years of age; Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, who was indicted for sexual acts against a teenager; Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, who was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl; Former Mayor of Winston, Oregeon, Kenneth Barrett, who was arrested for setting up a meeting to have sex with a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be a police officer; The Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, who was arrested and charged with four counts of felony third-degree sexual assault of a child and one count of intentional child abuse. The associates political figures financed by this sex Cartel also include: The Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, who was indicted on the charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, rape, child molestation and statutory rape of an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl; Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, who was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor; Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, who was arrested and charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a person younger than 17; The party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, who plead guilty to possession and receiving over half a million child pornographic images; DNC activist and fundraiser, Terrence Bean, who was arrested on charges of sodomy and sex abuse in a case involving a 15-year-old boy; DNC Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin, who resigned amid child pornography allegations; DNC activist, Andrew Douglas Reed, who pleaded guilty to multiple counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor for producing child pornography; DNC official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts who was sentenced to federal prison for producing and possessing child pornography including placing hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two minor female victims; Democratic California Congressman, Tony Cárdenas, who is being sued in LA County for allegedly sexually abused a 16-year-old girl; Democratic aide to Senator Barbara Boxer, Jeff Rosato, who plead guilty to charges of trading in child pornography; Alaskan State Representative, Dean Westlake, who resigned from his seat after the media published a report alleging he fathered a child with a 16-year-old girl when he was 28; New Jersey State Assemblyman, Neil Cohen, who was convicted of possession and distribution of child pornography; DNC donor and billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, ran an underage child sex brothel for The Commission and was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution; New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, who plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor as part of a plea agreement for sexted and sending Twitter DMs to underage girls as young as 15; DNC donor, activist, and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is being criminally prosecuted and civilly sued for years of sexual abuse (that was well known “secret” in Hollywood) including underage sexual activities with aspiring female actresses; DNC activist and #metoo proponent, Asia Argento, settled a lawsuit for sexual harassment stemming from sexual activities with an underage actor; Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, who was convicted of attempted child seduction, child pornography, and other child sex crimes; Democratic Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after multiple accusations of child sexual abuse were levied against him including by family members; San Francisco Mayoral candidate John Molinari had his daughter removed from his home by San Francisco Police for his abuse of her according to SFPD reports; San Francisco Mayoral candidate Roger Boas was arrested for running an underage sex brothel which catered to San Francisco political elite; DNC activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested on possession of 3,000+ child pornographic images; Democratic activist and actor, Russell Simmons, was sued based on an allegation of sexual assault where he coerced an underage model for sex; DNC Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschmidt, after being caught by a newspaper, publicly admitted to having a past sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl after the statute of limitations on the rape charges had expired; Democratic Illinois Congressman, Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress after he was convicted of statutory rape of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer; Democratic New York Congressman, Fred Richmond, was arrested in Washington D.C. for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy; Democratic activist, donor, and director, Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl - Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him to this day, including, Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci; Democratic State Senator from Alaska, George Jacko, was found guilty of sexual harassment of an underage legislative page; Democratic State Representative candidate for Colorado, Andrew Myers, was convicted for possession of child pornography and enticing children; Illinois Congressman, Gus Savage was investigated by the Democrat-controlled House Committee on Ethics for attempting to rape an underage female Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire; Activist, donor, and spokesperson for Subway, Jared Fogle, was convicted of distribution and receipt of child pornography and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor; State Department official, Carl Carey, under Hillary Clintons state department, was arrested on ten counts of child porn possession; Maine Assistant Attorney General, James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years in federal prison for seven counts of child porn possession, receipt and transmission; Leading DNC boss and financier Ed Buck was arrested for killing gay prostitutes and running a sex and drug ring; State Department official, Daniel Rosen, under Hillary Clintons state department, was arrested and charged with allegedly soliciting sex from a minor over the internet; State Department official, James Cafferty, pleaded guilty to one count of transportation of child pornography; Democratic radio host, Bernie Ward, plead guilty to one count of sending child pornography over the Internet; Democratic deputy attorney general from California, Raymond Liddy, was arrested for possession of child pornography. There are THOUSANDS of other sex crime cases involving associates of the tech Cartel. All of these perpetrators had financing from and social and political direction from the Silicon Valley controlling perpetrators.

An inordinate number of the members are closeted homosexuals who seek to use their media monopolies and massive lobbyist ownership's to promote child sex and child sex change consideration.

Yhe massive, sudden, promotion of those issues in all of their media since they took power in 2008 and pretty much ran the Obama White House.

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